20 Smudging Prayers for Home, Healing, and Protection That Really Work
When you become more serious about your wellness, you incorporate more into your life than just meditating, workouts, and avocadoes.
You may implement tucking crystals under pillows, lighting Santo, and imbibing adaptogens for different intentions and vibes. But many people follow a common wellness ritual when it comes to cleansing negative energy.Â
Yes, you guessed it right; we are talking about one of the famous native American practices “Smudging,” which serves as an energy healer. Smudging typically involves wafting sacred smoke of different dried herbs such as cinnamon stick, sage, and Palo Santo around the house, and belongings. People around the world use smudging prayers for plenty of spiritual reasons, such as gaining protection or blessings.
Smudging prayers or saging (another common name) gives you a feeling of peace and enlightens your soul. The spiritual method empties and cleanses out past energy. That is why many people opt for this process after significant transitions in life, like losing something or moving to a new house. Â
If you have never tried ceremonial cleansing before and don’t know any smudging prayers, we have you covered.
In this post, we share smudging prayers for home, healing, protection and more, along with their significance, and tips to perform them.
Table of Contents
- Try These Simple Smudging Prayers
- Cleanse Your House with These Effective Smudging Prayers for Home
- Smudging Prayer for Home to Welcome Compassion and Love
- Smudging Prayer When You Move into a New Place
- Smudging Prayer to Remove Negative Energy
- Smudging Prayer to Sell a Home
- Smudging Prayer to Invite Productivity
- Smudging Prayers for Protection, Strength, and Healing
- Smudging Prayer for Breaking Generational Curses
- Smudging Prayers for Cleansing and Strengthening the Mind
- Smudging Prayer to Raise Positive Vibes and Consciousnesses
- Smudging Prayer to Bring Divinity and Sacredness to a Space
- Smudging Prayer for Love
- Simple Smudging Prayers (Rhyming Verses) for Ceremonial Cleansing
- White Sage Smudging Prayer to Seek Protection and Energy
- White Sage Smudging Prayer for Physical Vitality and Removing the Energy of Despair
- Smudging Prayer for Showing Gratitude
- Key Takeaways
Try These Simple Smudging Prayers
If you have just entered the ceremonial cleansing regime, it is better to keep things light and simple. You can begin with readily available herbs like Palo Santo and White Sage to cleanse your energy, home, and others.
We recommend our premium natural Palo Santo Incense Sticks (20-pack) to ward off bad energy, lull you into a deeper state of mediation, and fill your home with blessings!
Smudging Prayer to Cleanse Negative Energy
Throughout your life, you unconsciously collect negative density, thought patterns, implants, attachments, and more. Remember that the negativity from the past no longer serves you.
You need Palo Santo, white sage, abalone shell, or a fireproof bowl to lighten your negative energies. Start your smudging prayer, call in light, and say these words;
“I entitle the presence of a team of Angels, Guides, and Ascended Masters. Enter into my space and time.
I call back and forth the consciousness of the sage and Palo Santo, in conjunction with my almighty guide, to fully clean my energy and all negativity, to purify and release any density, or anything that no longer exists or serves.
Release negative energy into the divine light.”
Smudging Prayer to Elevate Positive Energy
This smudging prayer is simple and entails promising and positive vibes. You can use it to elevate positivity and start a new journey with delightful feelings. Remember that your intention is extremely important when it comes to smudging prayers.Â
“Release any negativity, density, or attachments, into the light to help me shine with the highest promising vibration and embrace the highest authenticity.
 If anything is not aligned with this highest light and truth, let it be emptied and released into the divine light.Â
Thank you for helping me cleanse my energy and elevate my vibrations in the past.
I can brightly shine, radiantly love, happily live, and thrive in sheer alignment with sole purpose and mission according to the will of the Divine.
I thank the Palo Santo and sage for services they offered me and for the service of the entire team of Angels, guides, and Ascended Masters.
Thank you.
Thank you for pursuing and allowing me to stay connected, clear, and vibrantly shining.”
Cleanse Your House with These Effective Smudging Prayers for Home
Are you looking for a smudging prayer for home, to invite positivity and remove negative energy?Â
We’ve mentioned five options to help make your energy more impactful and sacred for your home in different scenarios — all you need is to conduct this praying ritual with reverence and respect. Say your mantra with sheer affirmation.
Smudging Prayer for Home to Welcome Compassion and Love
Saying this smudging prayer is one way to tell the universe what you want or your intentions for the physical world. The invocation sets the purpose of receiving love and repelling hate.
"I have opened this space to love and affection; may all the positive energy around me benefit my space. May it come with nurturance, compassion, forgiveness, and truth."
Smudging Prayer When You Move into a New Place
Introducing yourself to the place you are moving into is always an excellent way to connect with the energy present there and the home itself. Keep in mind that a home is not just about the roof and walls. It is more about the people who inhabited the place. So make sure you address them by making a prayer.
"Hello, I am _____ and I’ve moved into this place. I want to pay my gratitude to the land of spirits and the land of stewards. Here I acknowledge the divine essence of this land. I graciously put forward my intention of making a dwelling for myself, and living peacefully and reciprocity with the energy and spirits that are part of this place."
Smudging Prayer to Remove Negative Energy
Clearing energy lies within space. Open a window when saying this smudging prayer to allow all the bad energy and negativity to leave.Â
"I command negativity, bleakness, despair, any low vibrational force, and non-benevolent beings present in this space to go or to leave. I command all the negativity to disappear and empty my house for positive light and energetic vibes."
Smudging Prayer to Sell a Home
Selling a home doesn’t close the chapter in your life but helps someone begin a new one. This smudging prayer allows you to thank and honor your home for everything it has ever given to you and invites the right people to take in your place.
"I offer my gratitude to a home that has created a container to hold me and watch me grow into a wise human. I respect the completion of my karmic cycle and would like to call in the subsequent cycle in alignment with the highest spirit within me and the spirit within this home. May we get the people who are in an ideal alignment to fill this space. May the next cycle become a benefit for all who are involved."
Smudging Prayer to Invite Productivity
Many people believe that productivity comes from the sacred and divine container. Cleansing your workplace will not only make you feel inspired but also amplify your intentions further. This smudging prayer pays gratitude to the Divine sources and helps to manifest productivity.
"I’d like to invite in the Divine abundance of inspiration, creativity, and productivity to my space. May the artwork, project, contract anything that comes my way prosper. I feel from the bottom of my heart to draw closer to fruition that benefits the highest good of mine. I pray that it shows in the best form and expression."
Smudging Prayers for Protection, Strength, and Healing
Who doesn't want to live a spiritually-centered, genuinely truthful, and peaceful life? In this regard, smudging is one of the best ways to cleanse the energy field of any space, person, or thing. Through proper smudging, you can remove negative vibes, heavy feelings, bad energy, and, most importantly, deflect all evil intentions.
There are smudging prayers for protection, healing, and strength. These mantras allow people to extract out critical feelings, and self-condemnation and the impact of bad life experiences. The smudging prayers below are great for self-protection and mind-healing.
"I purify myself of all resentment, self-condemnation, and selfishness, and misinterpretation of experiences.
I soak into generosity, praise, appreciation, and gratitude for self-acceptance and fellow being. I tend to enlighten my understanding of my life and make it better." Â
Smudging Prayer for Breaking Generational Curses
This smudging prayer is effective for breaking knots of generational curses, be it your house or your family. It also prays for a beautiful life.
"Heavenly Father, I am confronting so many trembling situations in life. The circumstances have been affecting my parents and ancestors. You're the holy spirits and have all the powers to bind command and break the holds of generational curses. I beg you to destroy and purge the weaknesses and curses that have been there through blood from one generation to another."
Smudging Prayers for Cleansing and Strengthening the Mind
"May your mind be cleansed
So that it can think wonderful things
May your palms be cleansed
So that they can create magnificent things
May your footsteps be cleansed
So that they can take you to the places you need to be
May your soul be cleansed
So that you can listen to what it says clearly
May your tongue be cleansed
To help you speak rightly and
When you need words to give your message
May your vision be cleansed
So that you can see the wonders and signs of this world
May this space and person be washed by the smoke
And carry your wishes, prayers, and thoughts to the spiraling heavens."
Smudging Prayer to Raise Positive Vibes and Consciousnesses
Spirituality has a deep connection with consciousness. This smudging prayer is full of positive vibes and has great power for those who seek calmness and peace for the soul and positive vibes for their space.
"May all the positive vibes
Of the magnificent universe
That surrounds you
Bring peace to your mind
Flow through your blood and
Fill your space with love and serenity."
The prayer below is a wonderful Native American smudging prayer, translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887 that you can use to cleanse negativity, boost confidence, self-esteem and positivity.
Smudging Prayer to Bring Divinity and Sacredness to a Space
"May this sage cleanse your hands, your feet, your mind, your throat, your souls, and your eyes. Thus, enabling you to touch, see, feel, and hear about the wonders and beauty of the world.
May your space be purified by the smoke of Palo Santo in a way that it carries your prayers to the heavens of acceptance."
Smudging Prayer for Love
"Sacred plant, may you cleanse this space by taking away evil energies and vibes that no longer serve the highest good, and create more space for peace, love, and light to pour in.Â
Sacred plant, may divine sources associated with you purify my body, mind, and soul and help me awaken my inner truth, beauty, and power. Â
Sacred plant, May you help me connect to my deepest womb, wisdom, the center of my spiritual purpose, limitless potential, and creativity. Â May your holy energy guide me in carrying these presents to life.
Sacred plant, may you bathe my eyes to help me see the inner beauty that surrounds me whenever I wish to see it.Â
Sacred plant, may you clean and untie the knots in my heart to help me feel and find that I am nothing but pure love. Â Â
Sacred plant, may you bond me to the heavens and begin to remind me piece by piece of my inner self and strengths. Â
Sacred plant, I state my heartfelt gratitude and love for the purification and healing you provide. Â
May your blessed smoke hold my prayers up to the highest paradise to be listened, accepted, and answered."
Simple Smudging Prayers (Rhyming Verses) for Ceremonial Cleansing
Prayers that you offer when performing cleansing rituals can be short or elaborate, prose, or rhyming for people to memorize or say spontaneously from the heart.Â
Rhyming verses make prayers easy to remember, and anyone can use them for ceremonial cleansing. The smudging prayers below are short, simple, and great for any kind of ceremonial cleansing.
"The negativity of this sacred space
I expel you by using the light of my scared grace
You hold no right or power here
I face and stand you without fear
Be gone eternally you have to obey
From my blessed space, you should go away."
 Another short prayer is:
"Cleanse my space by removing the past
I have found contentment at last.
Fill my space with love
Send me your blessings and love from Above"
This smudging prayer is great for ceremonial cleansing:
"Into this smolder I release
All energies and forces that don’t serve
All negativity and despondency that surrounds
And all terror and dread that limit."
This is another one:
"The deity of All Goddesses and Gods of Light,
Protect and shield me from negativity day & night
So positive feeling can come near,
All negativity can wither and disappear."
White Sage Smudging Prayer to Seek Protection and Energy
Smudging with white sage is an ancient practice used for centuries for ceremonial cleansing, healing, and energy clearing.Â
Today, it has become a common tool for spiritual seekers and practitioners to cleanse and protect spaces energetically. The evergreen shrub is said to have immense spiritual power to purify spaces, pieces of land, objects, buildings, and rooms.
We recommend our Premium 100% Authentic Palo Santo Wood Smudge Sticks (20 Pack) for all your smudging needs.
This smudging prayer asks to protect and clear your space and energy. It is also great to invite angels and guides to remove negative energy.
"I ask my angels, guides, and divine powers, along with the power and energy of white sage, to assist me in releasing all my negativity, density, and vibes that are of no use to me, under the divine light. I plead this from the greatest and highest good as per my divine will."
Smudging Prayer for Physical Vitality and Removing the Energy of Despair
"I am choosing to purify my soul and release all thought forms, situations, energies, and beings that no longer serve my greatest and highest good….Across all shades of my existence, across all worlds, and across all my lifetime.
I ask divine energies that are more than love to be transmitted to the highest good for all that is around me."
Smudging Prayer for Showing Gratitude
How about showing some gratitude to the god of heavens after cleansing your space? This smudging prayer can help you do that.
"I cleanse myself of selfishness
I cleanse myself of resentment
I cleanse myself of self-condemnation
I bathe myself in generosity
I bathe myself in appreciation
I bathe myself in self-acceptance
I appreciate, praise and have gratitude
for myself and my fellow beings and an
enlightened understanding of my life experiences."
Key Takeaways
- There is no denying that we all need sacred energies to cleanse and purify our souls once in a while
- The negativity surrounding us sometimes becomes so immense that it gets our best and replaces all positive energy with negative energy
- In situations like these, we feel sluggish and depressed. Smudging is an old-age tradition and effective purifying ritual that people have been practicing for centuries
- From spiritual house cleaning to releasing depression, anger, and resentfulness, smudging with white sage or burning Palo Santo can help greatly
- Smudging prayers are easy and powerful mantras that can be used to remove spirit haunting, negative vibes, heavy feelings, and bad energy
- It's important to get in touch with your soul and heart before performing any kind of ceremonial cleansing. You need to muster some trust, love, and faith to step into sacred ground
- Use these smudging prayers for home, and to invite positivity, luck and well being, remove evil vibes, curses, and make a strong connection with divine sources
I moved to my new home 2 weeks ago. I smudged every room, top to bottom. Or so I thought. At night, my cat makes the rounds and the past week, my cat comes running out of the master bathroom seeming frightened by something. I’m using your prayers and smudging again to remove whatever is in this space.
Is there a more easier way then having to burn anything?? Like for etc?
Using Soap’s or body washes? Would that be considered as the same thing? Thank you have a great day!!
Things happen in my small home . Voices and whispers . Shadows . Things coming up missing and never find again . Last renter died . Feeling like being watched . I’m single live alone . Any help , please . Thx
Please send me a copy of the prayers to protect and heal my family
For to remove all family curses to break every chain to become the person that I was sent here to do to walk in my purpose all for all of my kids to be success to own my own business and to become a great writer and to do good work and to remove anything that is Holden me back from becoming the person that I purpose to be a god fearing person